Biju Ravindran, Senior Physiatrist & Founder , LifeCare Foundation.

Foundation is a reflection of the commitment and dedication of Dr. Biju
Ravindran towards the society. Within the two decades of his service, he has
come across a lot of people who are deprived of treatments because of financial
problems. The faces of many helpless parents and acquaintance of the patients is the driving force that
provoked him to thought of a charity trust like “LifeCare Foundation” to
facilitate free treatments to the needy class of the society.
To Dr. Biju’s word “My
experiences from the past two decades assures that issues like CP and Autism
can be cured to a great extent, if we can detect and start treatment at an
earliest stage. The patience and the willingness of parents for a sustainable
treatment and training is also having a vital role in the eradication of most
of the associated problems and the behavior disorders.”
reveals that there are more than 5000 children in Kerala alone, who are facing
serious neurological issues like Cerebral Palsy, Autism etc. Most of them are
from a very poor financial back ground, for whom it is difficult to manage the
treatment costs. These diseases need longer Hospital stays, regular training
sessions and complete dedication of the parents. But in most cases even
financially sound family finds it difficult to cope with hospitals stays and
treatment procedures for such a long period. Either of the parents has to give
a fulltime support to the child during the treatment period. So in majority of
the cases the parents are forced to discontinue the healing session in between
since they are incompetent to handle the heavy treatment charges.
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